2024 - 2025 Membership Application
(A Chapter of the National American Glass Club)
The Cape Cod Glass Club (CCGC) is an affiliate of the National American Glass Club (NAGC), a voluntary and not-for-profit organization. Our objective is to promote the study and appreciation of glass of all types and periods, with emphasis on American-made glass.
Dues: 1 May 2024 – 30 April 2025.
Membership in the Cape God Glass Club also requires membership in the NACG.
Please enter the following amounts, as appropriate:
NAGC Dues *
Individual: $35 $_____
Family: $40 $_____
Individual: $15 $_____
Family: $25 $_____
Total $_____
* If already a member of NAGC through another organization, please
Name(s) _______________________________________________________
Street or P. O. Box _______________________________________________
City ___________________________ State _____ Zip Code ____________
Telephone(s) _________________, _________________
E-mail(s) _______________________@_______________
Do you have any specific glass interests? ____________________________________________________________
Please complete Membership Application and send with check made out to Cape Cod Glass Club to:
Bob Powers
Cape Cod Glass Club Treasurer
PO Box 338
Hyannis Port, MA 02647