About Us
The Cape Cod Glass Club (CCGC) is an affiliate chapter of the NATIONAL AMERICAN GLASS CLUB(NAGC), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 1933. The Cape Cod Glass Club, founded in 2000, currently meets in Sandwich, Massachusetts. The NAGC was founded in Boston, Massachusetts as the Early American Glass Club and is presently incorporated under the laws of the State of Rhode Island as the National American Glass Club, a non-profit educational organization, IRS code 501(c)(3).
Members of the CCGC share both a common interest in learning about the history of glass and glassmaking, including its significant role in early American industries, and an appreciation of the beauty of glass. Club membership includes both novice and advanced collectors as well as glass artisans, glass museum curators and staff and antique dealers. Club activities include monthly meetings, club trips, opportunities to participate by invitation via Zoom in educational presentations by other glass organizations, and sponsorship of the annual Cape Cod Glass Show and Sale. The greatest value gained from belonging to and participating in the activities of the CCGC is the fellowship and exchange of glass knowledge among glass enthusiasts. There is always an emphasis on education and increasing members' knowledge of glass and glassmaking.
Regular meetings are held during the months of October through June, except for January and February, generally at the Sandwich Public Library or the Sandwich Glass Museum. Our June meeting includes an annual luncheon at an area restaurant. Meetings always include a short business meeting is followed by a discussion of glass or a presentation / educational talk by an expert on some aspect of glass or by an individual closely connected to the glass community, such as a museum director or curator, glass restorer, glass artist, glass collector, etc.
Meetings are generally followed by a glass study and social period where members and guests are encouraged to bring glass objects to study and share or to seek information about. Light refreshments are always served. Meetings are always open, free of charge, to anyone interested in glass of all ages and types. Schedule of meeting dates and times are posted on our website when available.
Dues are collected annually in April/May for membership in both the CCGC and NAGC (current combined annual dues are $50 for an individual and $65 for a family household). Membership in CCGC also requires membership in NAGC, which affords numerous benefits, such as receiving two high quality publications,The Glass Club Bulletin, the scholarly journal of the NAGC, and Glass Shards, the NAGC newsletter.
The Cape Cod Glass Show has been held annually in September for the past 42 years (with the exception of 2020). In 2024 the 36th Annual Cape Cod Glass Show will be held the third weekend in September at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod at 307 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The Cape Cod Glass Show and Sale is considered by many as arguably the best glass show and sale in New England, drawing glass dealers, collectors, artisans, students, and museum staff from across the country.